Site Usage Report & Site Traffic Analysis
Do you know where your site ranks in Google for your most important keyword phrase? Do you know how much traffic your site gets each month? Are your paid search engine ads generating any click thrus? Response Builders Can Help! We recommend that all our clients sign up for site usage report analysis. We recommend quarterly, semi-annual or at minimum annual reviews of your web site and online marketing efforts.
Regular monitoring of your search engine positioning and your site’s usage reports will give you valuable insight into the functionality of your website. Because search engine positioning is volatile and is likely to change month to month, Response Builders recommends reviewing your site’s positioning within the search engines on a regular basis.
Website Performance Review
As part of our regular website maintenance, Response Builders will evaluate your website usage reports. From these reports we can gain insight into the number of visitors on your site, traffic patterns, preferred pages and common referring hosts. Usage reports often reveal the hidden successes and failures of a site and can be helpful in ROI analysis.
Contact Response Builders for more information about site usage analysis or to schedule a free web site consultation.
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